How do I sign my child up for a study?

Interested in participating in a study or being on our contact list?

Where do I park? 

 We have 2 reserved parking spaces behind McGuinn Hall that are marked DEV. You may park there and a research assistant will meet you with a parking pass. 

Can I bring siblings or other children to the appointment?

Of course! We have a play area in the waiting room for siblings and friends so that they can have fun too. 


Please follow the link to find directions to the lab.

What happens in the lab?

Once you arrive, your child(ren) will have some time to warm-up and get used to the lab environment. We'll go over the general details of the study and consent forms. Children who are ages 8 to 12 also fill out an informed assent form. 

After the paperwork is completed, your children will go with the experimenter to a testing room to complete the study. You have the option to watch your child through  a one-way mirror. If you bring other children, they may accompany you while observing or continue to play in the play area. We have research assistants who can play with your children while they wait for their brother, sister, or friend to complete the study.

How long does a study take?

The answer to this question varies from study to study. However, most studies are about 15-30 minutes. We schedule visits for 1 hour so that there is enough time for your child to get comfortable and for us to answer all your questions before and after the study. 

Will my child be compensated?

As a thank you to your child for helping us with our research, they will get to pick out a prize of their choice when the study has finished. Depending on the study, they might also receive some resources (e.g., stickers or candy) during the study.